
Content Creators

A content creator is any faculty, staff, student, or contracted third-party vendor who creates or contributes to creating digital information at Rice. Digital information includes websites, electronic course content, email, marketing materials, data visualizations, documents, multimedia like audio and video, social media posts, and more. Content creators must follow University Policy 851 and accessibility best practices when designing digital information to ensure that all members of the Rice community (including visitors) can equally access information.

Getting Started

Understanding why it is essential to create accessible content is one of the best ways to get started. While we are legally obligated to ensure access to digital information at Rice through the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504, the fundamental goal of accessibility is to meet the needs of disabled people (W3C, 2023). Accessibility is fundamental to diversity, equity, and inclusion, ensuring that members of the disability community are welcomed and can thrive at Rice. Learning how to create accessible digital information/content and committing to incorporating these practices into our daily processes is vital.

Essential for some, useful for all

Web and digital accessibility is essential for people with disabilities and useful for all. Learn about the impact of accessibility and the benefits for everyone in various situations in the W3C video below.

Content Types

Use the quick links below to jump into other sections of the website that focus on specific content types.