

Many of us who create, manage or use forms probably have some experience with fillable PDF forms. While there are tools for automatically converting PDFs into fillable forms, too often, the results are inaccessible to many assistive technology users. They are also frequently difficult to fill out unless you have a paid version of Adobe.

Use HTML for Forms

Whenever possible, provide forms in HTML format rather than PDF. HTML forms are more accessible and easier to update and edit than PDF forms. Rice has options available to the community through Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, and Qualtrics that, with some attention, can create accessible options. Look for the Google Forms within your Google Workspace and Microsoft Forms within 365. The OIE department can provide access to Qualtrics.

Creating Forms in HTML Editors

If you decide to create your forms in HTML, be aware that there are certain requirements to make them usable and accessible.

Techniques for Forms and Labels in HTML

WCAG Success Criteria Forms and Labels
